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How I went from a sugar addicted eater (who thought real food came from a box or can)...

to a girl with a garden shop and a mission...

Sugar was my drug. But we all know what happens when you do too many drugs....

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Not my day job running a garden shop selling backyard edibles...

Or my award winning program teaching a locavores diet to school kids..... Or even giving up refined sugar three years running.....

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prepared me for what I discovered next...

One out of every three suffer from a high blood sugar condition called prediabetes. And most of us who have it - don't know it. 



I have what???

Remember - I'm the girl who made her living teaching others how to grow healthy food and create wholesome meals.

Plus, I was passing on the sweets and desserts like a champion.

So when the results of a blood test (taken to ease my worry over a tick bite) showed prediabetic levels, it was time to question everything I thought I knew about healthy eating...

Where could my idea of good food have gone so terribly wrong?

And what was I supposed to do now?

  • Prediabetes is a condition where blood sugar levels are unusually high. There are few symptoms & most who suffer from it don't know they have it.

  • Left untreated, it can progress into full blown type 2 diabetes. A disease with no cure.

  •  It can be reversed with diet + lifestyle changes


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Now I'm on a mission to show others how to eat better more often.

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Then I discovered that I'm not the only one who needed a plan.

There's lot's of us - diagnosed with pre diabetes -  who need a simple, no frills, work any time strategy.

The kind that combines science and common sense. 

A plan that nourishes your body and simplifies your busy life. Giving you a...

  • roadmap for food choices

  • ideas for meal prep

  • strategies with easy execution

Join a growing community of healthy eaters in my free Facebook group Savvy Spoonfuls.

Where we're managing our high blood sugar with our fork.

It's a place to hang out, celebrate wins, learn new recipes & tips and share in our collective journey to health. See ya there!